It's been a very long time since I posted. I enjoy many hobbies and one of them is blogging, but have found my time extremely limited to do a lot of things I enjoy most, so I endeavour to change this slightly so I can do a little more of what I enjoy in my life.
My mind arrived, a couple months ago, at the conclusion that I have found real happiness in my life. Happiness doesn't mean grinning and always being outwardly 'happy'. It doesn't mean everything in my life is good. What it really means is that I am content with my recent choices and decisions enough that I smile at good memories and thoughts I have through the day, I smile every night when I am in bed, and every morning that I wake.
It is also that I enjoy simple things (can only afford simple things) but I enjoy them immensely. In admitting this, I will do all I can to be an inspiration to anyone who I can help and I will try harder and improving my life so that I may increase my income.
The reason for being so happy, is because I know I cannot change my financial status too quickly (although I will try harder)... I cannot change other people's actions or mindsets (I must accept them as they are)... I cannot grow as a person, unless I help or be kind to others, whenever I can, as much as I can, and keep my eyes open to opportunity.
Having said this, trying to keep this in a nutshell, because I can write many books on this subject and my life, I am affirming that I am happy and I'm so pleased that I am.
In life, many people have difficulties, upsets, disasters, troubles, unpleasant or hard lives. Many people struggle for so many reasons, and beyond their control. Many people are held back for so many reasons, and unfairness is one of those reasons. Many people are under- or uneducated, or not able to have the advantage of a good education. Many people are starving, homeless, living in disaster areas, living lives that are just full of wrong decisions, or with the wrong people, or are poor, unhealthy, or unhappy.
These thoughts make me want to be a better person. I cannot help all those in need in this world (I really wish I could) but I can make my life happier by making good decisions. My choices affect my life and what direction I take next.
I cannot help all the starving people, but I can make sure when I buy food and eat meals, that I do not waste any of it and enjoy every mouthful. I will make sure I can give whatever I can, when I can, to help other people.
I cannot help all the poor people, but I can make sure I enjoy all the free offerings that can entertain me, help me when I need it or I can use. I will never take more of anything than I need. I will do my best to share what I can with others or let someone else whom needs it more than me, have it.
I cannot help people who live in disaster areas, but I will do my best to live as safely and securely as possible.
I cannot bring people out of poverty, but I can share all I can, give as much as I can, and spend what I have as wisely as I can. I do not want to live in abundance, or be wasteful. I want to live as simply and comfortably as I can. Where I live and how much money I earn is not my fault, it's a blessing, and I will cherish these things and make sure I appreciate all of it. I never want to be wasteful, ever.
So, what I'm trying to get to, here, is that I AM happy with myself, my current choices and what I have. My life is far from perfect, but I am content. I am luck to have more privileges than some. I have pets that I take care of and get immense enjoyment from - loves, hugs and kisses, snuggles and attention. I have a family living with me - my son and my common law husband. It's not always easy between all our different personalities, needs, wants and schedules, but I love having them living with me and enjoy our 'good' and 'fun loving' moments always. There's nothing like having loved ones near.
I work - yes, I have good clients and do the best job I can daily to earn my income. I like my work and I help my clients day to day, which gives me great satisfaction.
I have a roof over my head (bank owns the house until it's paid off), electricity, food, water, basic furniture, a basic wardrobe, food, a computer, a car (need a new one), and a nice lawn. I live in a good neighbourhood and I am very thankful for all of these things. These are all basic needs which I have, and it's more than some people have, so I appreciate it all.
These things I've mentioned, are all what make me happy. My pets snuggling with me in bed make me smile. When I read a book in bed, it makes me smile. Having a glass of water at bedtime makes me smile. It makes me smile that I sleep on a mattress (the most important and luxurious feature). It makes me smile that I am comfortable and warm, not cold and not hot. It makes me smile that I can take a shower each day.
When I go to sleep, I smile. I smile for all that happened that day, all that I accomplished, all my beautiful memories and of those I could help, and all that I have.
When I wake, I smile. I smile that I woke up! I smile that I'm still snuggling with my pets in my bed. I smile for the sun shining in my window. I smile to be able to start a new day, full of new possibilities and opportunity.
I smile because I do have a few friends with whom I trust and am happy to have them in my life. I smile also, because life could be so much harder or worse (and any given day can be so) but I'm really thankful for all that I am, and have, and that I want to always appreciate and be grateful.
My life could be simplified more, and I can always try to be even less wasteful. There is always room for improvement, but I am happy with myself. I feel unless you are happy with yourself, then you cannot truly be a happy person. I don't ever feel alone when I am on my own, because I am happy with who I am and I always find a way to keep myself content, or think of good past memories, or what the future may hold for me, of opportunity, of hope and dreams and goals and wishes! LOL
It's all doable for me, which I am lucky and thankful for because I believe those who work hard at doing, being or having what they want, obtain it within reason or even better than dreamed, but one has to work towards what they want to achieve. Self satisfaction and hard work, dedication and being a good person, all assist in obtaining what is desired.
I know I won't be a pilot, or own a shipping company, or own an island, but these things are not what I am striving for. What I am striving for, I will work hard towards achieving. I have accomplished a lot, so far, of what I've wanted, and most of it was not given to me. It feels good each time that I am able to move one step closer to fulfilling what I desire, want or need.
With this realization that I am very happy, begins a new chapter in my life and I look forward to each and every day.