Wow, how busy I am, to have these weeks just fly by already - one month almost finished in the year. It continues to surprise me how quickly time passes when you have a full life (work, appointments, errands, social get-togethers, school work, etc).
My 'wants' this year will not all be fulfilled. I "wanted" to attend an overseas seminar this month but I could not do it. I "wanted" to attend another overseas seminar in April (there are 4 this year), but again, I won't be able to do it. I hope to make the last two but if not, I won't be renewing my membership as it just won't be worth the dues if I cannot partake due to life's circumstances getting in the way.
The weather is very cool so I'm enjoying January - it's a great change from the long hot and humid summer we have, which spills into Spring and Autumn seasons - so I'm welcoming the nice change.
My new online courses I'm taking are fantastic - putting a few new certificates under my belt for future business.
My pets are all doing well, except we lost Mom's cockatiel, Pete (he was about 12 years old) and her dog, Stacey - a min pin, is still here, although old and has an ear infection - she's 16 years old and doing okay considering her age - walking, eating, pooping, barking now & then when she feels she has something to say. She amazes me.

My health is doing good, and better than last year, thankfully!
January is passing by quickly and there is a lot to do - get outdoors, put your shades on, and your bunny ears, and get to stepping... chow for now!