Bermudiana Flower

Bermudiana Flower
Bermudiana Flower

Sunday, 10 November 2019

Entrepreneurship 101

I am embarking further on my entrepreneurship.

How am I doing this, you ask?

I take courses in all areas that I feel will benefit my life, in business and on a personal level.  I sign up for all the free and minimal cost courses I can (under $50 is my target range) that interest me.

I also start by making a plan to create small businesses (starting with emails and social media accounts) in my fields of interest, for development, and for people to find me.

I only work in areas that I have experience in, and/or areas that I can hire people who can help with their expertise.  It's best to do something in a field that you know, love or are passionate about.  If not, it's even more hard work than you may realize, but doing something you have an interest in, or love, leads to a more positive approach and much more determination, so it becomes a career, rather than just a job.  Think about it.  A lot.  Then choose wisely.

So, while these small businesses are still in the growing stage, I push forward to see them appear live so I can start to make connections to obtain an audience and for future business.

Happy Entrepreneurship to you!
Today's thought....  wake up, get up, start planning and actually do something today that will move you in a forward direction.