Bermudiana Flower

Bermudiana Flower
Bermudiana Flower

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Shirt Back-to-Front & America Election Day

This morning I started my day with putting my shirt on back-to-front but luckily noticed it within a minute - it just didn't feel right and when I checked myself in the mirror, walking past to leave the bedroom, I saw it was on backwards and turned it around.

Never get dressed in the dark.  I hope this is not going to be the kind of day I'm going to have. LOL

Today is America's election day - dooms day - voting for dumb or dumber - the lesser of two evils - Reggie or Veronica (if you read the Archie comics like I did) - I sure am glad I'm not American because I wouldn't want either of them as my President.

I believe it's a shame that the first female president could be Hillary Clinton.  Of all the millions of people in America, and all the women in politics, I am so glad I am not the one having to vote.

I wonder how many people will abstain from voting or spoil their ballots because of this dilemma.  Good grief - how could these be the only two choices for President?  They say the system must be broken.

While I mention the American politics, our own political scene is not much better.  Our system is outdated and needs to be changed, and our system is not working for us either, and the seats in Government are voted quite differently.  But... still also broken.

It would be nice, one day, to see more equality in the political scene - for running, for voting, and for bringing in better people who can do more good for the nations and economy and support the people in a favourable way, instilling more jobs, peace, harmony and successful economy.

Those are my thoughts today.
Cheers!  Good luck America - no matter who wins, you'll need it.

PS - My two cents... I vote for President Barack Obama to have another term, or for his wife, First Lady Michelle Obama, to become President!  Now that would be a good thing for America!

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