Bermudiana Flower

Bermudiana Flower
Bermudiana Flower

Saturday, 11 January 2020

It's almost Mid-January!!

Time sure is flying faster than I wish it to - geez Louise!

I've booked our tickets to travel to Texas to spend my brother's 60th birthday with him for a long weekend.  That's going to be so exciting, I can hardly wait.

I've been spending more time with my pets daily, making sure to give them all some attention and love - I find that some days I just am so busy that although they are cared for well, fed, always have water, etc. that I don't always stop to take time to pet them and talk to them one-on-one.  So, this has changed and I spend more quality time with them each day, even if I'm busy.

This weekend is so booked up.  I'm doing a cat feeding for a friend who had to travel overseas, I'm working both today (Saturday) and Sunday for income.  We are going to a friend's house at 4pm for some fun, he's having a 'liquor' tasting event with snacks - we're taking gin and a cranberry and lemon bread.  Tonight we have tickets at 10pm for an uncensored comedy show.

Hopefully, we'll be able to fix my washer on Sunday - it broke down mid-week and we haven't had time to fix it yet.  Then I will have washing to do, and house chores, and hopefully some 'new' business and work for income from home.

Then Monday comes yet again!  I love Mondays.  I will plan my week out on Sunday and I foresee it to be busy day and most evenings again.

Happy Saturday! Remember to take a few moments to just enjoy the day, maybe the outdoors, or make your surroundings a bit more pleasurable (re-arrange, organize, tidy up, etc), or just do a bit of something that makes you smile.  Cheers, B.

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